Order Tracking

Whenever you place an order, you will receive an email confirmation of your order and its details. The Invoice / Receipt corresponding to the payment amount will be sent with the order.

Estimated average shipping time by country:

  • Portugal: 1-3 working days
  • Europe: 1-5 working days
  • Other Continents: 1-10 working days

Shipments are made Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. If you usually are not at home, we suggest you give us an alternative address. If you choose to decline the order, you will be responsible for all shipping costs, taxes, duties or custom charges that arise from your return to our address in Portugal. This will be deducted from the refund amount of returned items. If these costs are higher than the total cost of the products, your order should be abandoned.

Please be advised that we are based in Portugal (Europe) and the customer is responsible for paying any extra costs related to customs, duties, import charges or any taxes imposed by the country of destination of the order. No customs duties or taxes will apply to orders to the European Union.

Before submitting your order, please always confirm your personal and postage dates, like contact, email, phone and delivery address, as we are not responsible for the disappearance of packages.

We do not accept orders to delivery on PO Boxes.